Ama-no-Iwato Shrine (Motoise Ama-no-Iwato Shrine) [Kyoto]


Ama-no-Iwato” is a cave that appears in the famous myth of Amaterasu’s hiding behind Iwato, the cave where Amaterasu once descended from.

motoiseama no iwatoshrine kyoto4 1024x768 - Ama-no-Iwato Shrine (Motoise Ama-no-Iwato Shrine) [Kyoto]

There are several Ama-no-Iwato shrines in Japan, and this is one of the most representative.


The marker can be seen from the Nishiyama approach to the Imperial Grand Shrine, past the Haruhaisho (Shrine of the Far Prayer). There is a considerable difference in elevation from the entrance to the river. Descend the stairs carefully. Be especially careful when descending from the Torii (gateway to the shrine). The shrine is on a rock at the end of the descent, and visitors use a chain to climb up and down. If it rains or the rocks are wet, it can be very slippery, so it is best to consider the risks before making a decision.

motoiseama no iwatoshrine kyoto3 1024x768 - Ama-no-Iwato Shrine (Motoise Ama-no-Iwato Shrine) [Kyoto]


There are sacred places called “Motoise” all over Japan, but I feel that this place is a sanctuary where God rests in silence and seclusion. In the nearby forests, you can see huge moss-covered trees, trees that have fallen but have regenerated or reincarnated from their stumps, and the long history and clean air will cleanse your mind.

It was quite a walk to get to this place, but it was a sacred and relaxing place that soothed my fatigue.

motoiseama no iwatoshrine kyoto1 1024x768 - Ama-no-Iwato Shrine (Motoise Ama-no-Iwato Shrine) [Kyoto]


Manager’s Comments

It was a very mysterious shrine. I highly recommend that you visit this place before your legs and back weaken.

my opinion

Ama-no-Iwato Shrine

206 Aza Higaura Kake, Oeji Temple, Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto 620-0321

※There is an unattended toll parking lot, which charges 500 yen per day and has a fee box.

Transfer at Fukuchiyama Station to Kyoto Tango Railway (Miyafuku Line) and get off at Oeyamaguchi Uchimiya Station. 15 minutes walk.

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